Fido Droppings...

The Fido Circus!Zorch, Head Clown


Egged on hiding behind the scenes by none other than Bob Kohl, the RC of Region 10, Zorch and his three clown coherts filed Policy Complaints against Ruth Argust. All of these entities are NC's and include Richard Knowles, George Kuhl and Dan Sherman. The fact they are all NC's in Region 10 is frightening. Of course, they were following Kohl's version of Policy 4.07K that no one else but his attack dogs have copies of.

These are the rulings made by the N2004C on these separate PC's.

Kuhl, Copy ClownKnowles, Copy ClownSherman, Copy Clown


Ruling on Zorch's PC filed - Part 1

Zorch doesn't like the Ruling and Whines!

Ruling on Zorch's PC Reaffirmed - Part 2

Ruling on Knowles' PC

Ruling on Kuhl's PC

Ruling on Sherman's PC

Kohl - Ringleader of the Circus!

Zorch's Connect the Dots PC Kit Letter


Although we are not privy to the documents used by the four parties filing the PC's or those which Argust used in her response, we have heard that this was struggling to be a PC based on echomail but even moreso a general dislike of Argust. It also appears that Policy 4.07, the ruling document of FidoNet, was totally ignored in this case. It is the opinion of FidoLose that these four NC's steeped in Kohlism be removed from their NC positions and returned to the level of grunt sysops for the rest of their Fido days where they can wallow in their love for Kohl and rethink their misguided deeds. As for Kohl, he no longer deserves to even hold the title of sysop.

Tom Jennings would be truly ashamed to see the incompetance displayed by those who are supposed to uphold Policy and not destroy it.

Bob Kohl, your involvement in this has been uncovered. You are lower than dirt!

The King has no Klothes!


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Run, Cheetah, Run!
Jennings, get after those assKohls!