FidoNet NODELIST Archives
I hope these FidoNet NODELISTS and NODEDIFFs are helpful and "fun" to use.
Entering the nodelists directory, you will see the files classified by year. Each year does contain a FILES.BBS to describe the files contained.
PLEASE NOTE that some years are in Zone 2 FORMAT. See each FILES.BBS.
If anyone can help me add to this collection, please place uploads in the incoming ftp directory and let me know it is there by emailing me as below. You will note which files are missing as noted on each FILES.BBS.
Email me with any questions or problems you may have using these archives,
most of them are in RAR format. You are welcome to these but due to the
great amount of time it has taken me to collect and sort these, a credit
on your site is appreciated or a link to
Ruth Argust
Fido 1:2404/201
Onto the Nodelist Archives